Playstation 5

[Revealed] Turn off PS5 or rest mode? Which is better (2023)

turn off PS5 or rest mode

Ever pondered the best way to use your PS5? We’ve got you! We’ll give you the ups and downs of each.No longer stress about getting the perfect setting. We’ve got it all figured out.

Why you should turn off PS5 or rest mode

It’s better to turn off your PS5 entirely than to put it in rest mode. Here’s why:

Rest mode can cause overheating, data corruption and network disconnection. Shutting off your console ensures a clean slate and lets it rest and cool down.

Here are the key reasons to turn off your PS5:

  • Prevent overheating: Rest mode uses power and generates heat which can be a problem in poorly ventilated areas.
  • Avoid data corruption: Constant power use in rest mode can lead to data corruption on your hard drive or SSD.
  • Reduce network issues: Rest mode can cause network status and connectivity issues. Powering down helps re-establish a stable connection.

It’s best practice to turn off your PS5. Don’t unplug it – press and hold the power button and select ‘Power off PS5’.

Plus, keeping your PS5 well-ventilated and dust-free can help avoid overheating and other performance problems.

How to turn off PS5 or rest mode

When it comes to turning off your PS5 or putting it in rest mode, it’s up to you. It depends on how you use your console and personal preference.

Turning off your PS5 is wise if you’re not using it for a long time. This will help save energy and stop any hardware issues.

Putting your PS5 in rest mode is good if you plan to use it again soon. It allows you to resume gaming, update games, and charge the controller quickly.

Here’s how to turn off or put into rest mode your PS5:

  • Press and hold the power button on the console until you hear a beep and the light turns off. This is to turn off completely.
  • To put in rest mode:
    • Press the PS button on the controller.
    • Select Power icon in the Control Center.
    • Choose Rest Mode in the power options.
    • Press the PS button or the power button to turn it back on.

Save any open games or apps before shutting down to avoid losing progress.

What happens when you turn off PS5 or rest mode

Turning off your PS5? Or putting it in rest mode? Different processes occur, so it’s good to know the differences.

Turning it off fully powers down the system. This saves energy and frees up resources, so your console works well when you turn it on again.

Rest mode puts it into a low-power state. Background activities like downloads and updates can continue. But leaving it in rest mode for too long can cause issues like fan noise, overheating, and network connectivity problems.

Which is better for you? If you’re taking a long break from gaming or want to save energy, turn it off. But if you plan to resume gaming soon or want downloads to continue while idle, rest mode is the way to go.

The benefits of turning off PS5 or rest mode

turn off PS5 or rest mode

Turn off your PS5 completely to get these benefits:

  • Save energy. Rest mode uses some energy, but turning it off entirely saves more. It’s eco-friendly.
  • Avoid overheating. Rest mode can heat up if there’s no good ventilation. Turning it off eliminates the risk.
  • Refresh and update system software. Turning it off allows for a refresh and update, helping with performance.

Putting it on rest mode has benefits too:

  • Quick start-ups. Your console can quickly resume from where you left off.
  • Background downloads and updates. Rest mode lets your console download and update games and software while it’s off.

It’s up to you. If you use your console a lot, rest mode is more convenient. But if you care about energy and safety, turn it off entirely. Pro tip: Make sure your console is well-ventilated if you choose rest mode.

How to make the most of turning off PS5 or rest mode

Turning off your PS5 or using rest mode both have their pros and cons.

Turning off:

  • Pros:
    • Uses less energy and saves you money.
    • No risk of accidental damage or overheating.
  • Cons:
    • Longer boot-up time.
    • Need to re-start games/apps each time.

Rest mode:

  • Pros:
    • Quick start-up.
    • Games/apps stay paused.
  • Cons:
    • Uses more electricity.
    • Possibility of damage.

It’s up to you to decide what works for you. Try both and see which fits your gaming lifestyle best.

What to do if you can’t turn off PS5 or rest mode

Having troubles turning off your PS5 or exiting rest mode? There are a few techniques you can try. But, before we start, let’s understand the difference between turning off and using rest mode.

Turning Off PS5: It means a complete power off of the device. The console shuts down and returns to a blank screen.

Rest Mode: In this mode, your console goes into a low-power state. It allows your device to charge controllers, download games/updates and keep active downloads. It will be automatically updated when you turn it on.

What to do if you can’t turn off PS5 or rest mode:

  • Hold the power button for 10-15 seconds until it beeps twice. Release the button.
  • Unplug the power cord from the back, then plug it back in and turn the console on.
  • If these don’t work, try a hard reset or contact PlayStation support.

Remember: Check for updates and properly shut down your console to avoid facing these problems.

FAQs about turning off PS5 or rest mode

Should you turn off your PS5 or use rest mode? It depends on your habits and preferences. Here are some questions to help you decide:

  • Q. What is rest mode on PS5?
    A. It keeps the console in a low-power state, downloading and charging controllers while you’re away.
  • Q. Does putting the PS5 in rest mode consume less power than turning it off?
    A. Yes, rest mode uses less power.
  • Q. Will rest mode damage my PS5?
    A. No, but remember to enable automatic updates for extra safety.

In short, rest mode is great for short breaks. But if you’re done playing for a while, turn it off to save power.

Troubleshooting tips for turning off PS5 or rest mode

PS5 has two power modes: Rest Mode and Off. Each can be useful but also have drawbacks.

Rest Mode lets you charge controllers and get updates, but can cause games to crash and show error codes.

Turning Off your PS5 can avoid those issues, but takes longer to turn on and is not ideal for charging accessories.

If you’re having trouble, here are some tips:

Rest Mode Troubleshooting:

  • Check for system updates and install them.
  • Make sure settings for automatic updates and downloads are correct.
  • Close all running applications before Rest Mode.
  • Disable HDMI Device Link.
  • Don’t use Ethernet connection with Rest Mode.

Turning Off Troubleshooting:

  • Check any pending downloads and finish them before shutting down.
  • Don’t turn off while saving or downloading games.
  • Disconnect external devices before turning off.
  • Keep your PS5 in a well-ventilated area.

Follow these tips to prevent issues with Rest Mode or Turning Off. Pro-tip: Use Rest Mode for short breaks and Turning Off for longer periods, like when you’re done for the day.

The bottom line on turning off PS5 or rest mode

When it comes to switching off the PS5, rest mode is best. It provides quick resume times and automatic updates. In contrast, turning it off fully results in longer restart time and missed updates.


  • Quick resume times mean you can pick up where you left off without needing to reload the game or app.
  • Automatic updates keep your system and games current.
  • You can charge your controllers while the PS5 is in rest mode.


  • More energy use than turning it off fully, which could mean higher electricity bills.
  • Power outages or surges could damage or corrupt the PS5 while in rest mode.
  • Some games or apps may not work correctly in rest mode. It’s important to check their requirements before leaving the PS5 in rest mode.

In conclusion, rest mode is the best option for turning off the PS5. Yet, consider its potential downsides and use it responsibly.

Further reading on turning off PS5 or rest mode

Still not sure if you should turn off your PS5 or put it in rest mode? More research can help you make the best decision for your needs. Check out these helpful resources:

  1. PlayStation support website: Get info on settings, like power options. Learn pros and cons of turning off or putting in rest mode. Configure settings that fit you. Plus, a FAQ section for common questions.
  2. Online forums and communities: Ask other PS5 users about their experiences with turning off or putting in rest mode. Read advice and ask specific questions. Look at multiple sources, check credibility and relevance of info.
  3. Manufacturer recommendations: Sony, the PS5 manufacturer, has guidelines for use and maintenance. Find in the user manual or on their website. Following these instructions keeps your console running optimally, safely and for longer.

Pro-tip: Try both options to see which works better, taking into account energy, startup time, updates and game progress.


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