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Playstation 5

[Solved] Why does my PS5 keeps blinking blue?(2023)

PS5 keeps blinking blue

Have you ever been playing your favorite game on your brand-new PlayStation 5, only to have the system suddenly shut down and start blinking blue? It’s a strange and mysterious occurrence, one that definitely needs some investigating. In this blog, we’ll look at why your PS5 keeps blinking blue and how to get back to gaming as soon as possible!


Are you experiencing an issue with your PlayStation 5 console where the power indicator starts blinking blue? This issue can be quite disheartening and it may prevent you from playing your favorite games. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to try to resolve this issue. In this guide, we’ll provide an overview of the possible causes of the blinking blue power indicator as well as some troubleshooting steps for addressing the problem.

If your PlayStation 5 console is blinking blue, it could mean that the system is trying to start up but has failed, or that the system needs service. If your PS5 isn’t starting up at all—simply not turning on and remaining off—then the blinking blue light might indicate a hardware issue.

To fix this problem, first, check for any visible hardware damage (such as bulging capacitors or signs of corrosion) and then try powering off the console for 30 seconds before turning it back on. If this fails to correct the issue, then you may need to take it in for repair or replace it.

It’s possible that the blue blinking light is indicating a software issue instead of a hardware problem. If this is the case, you will need to boot into Safe Mode to troubleshoot. Start by pressing and holding down the PS button + Share button + Volume Up button on your Dualshock 4 controller until you see a white light come on; this will put your PS5 into Safe Mode where you can try resetting settings or restoring defaults before attempting more advanced troubleshooting actions.

If none of these solutions solve your blinking blue LED problem, then it’s time to contact Sony support for further assistance!

Is there a way to fix it?

If your PlayStation 5 light bar is blinking blue, it could be an indicator that the console isn’t working properly and needs to be fixed. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to hopefully resolve this issue.

Before you attempt any fixes, make sure that the light bar is actually blinking blue and not some other color. Additionally, make sure that your TV is in the correct input mode so that it recognizes the PS5. If these two criteria have been met and the console is still experiencing issues, read on for more information on possible fixes.

The first thing to do is check for any loose connections to the back of your console or television. Make sure all cables are securely connected; any loose or disconnected connections could be causing this issue. If everything looks ok in terms of cable connections, try unplugging them from both devices and plugging them back in again after a few seconds. Occasionally power cycling may temporarily update connection settings or address communication problems between devices which have helped some PS5 owners with similar issues as yours.

If this doesn’t seem to help you resolve your issue, you may need to contact Sony directly for assistance with troubleshooting further technical issues beyond this guide. Additionally, if any physical damage is present (i.e., water damage) then professional repair assistance may be needed at a licensed service center in order to safely bring your device back into working condition once again.

PS5 keeps blinking blue
What if my PS5 continues to blink blue

If the power indicator light on your PlayStation 5 console continues to blink blue even after resetting it, this may indicate a problem with the system’s hardware or software. In general, a blinking blue power indicator suggests that the console is preparing to start up or attempting to recover from an issue. This article will provide information on troubleshooting steps you can use to get your PS5 up and running again.

First, try unplugging the power cord from both your PS5 and the wall outlet it’s connected to for at least 30 seconds. After thirty seconds, plug it back in and press the power button once–the console should start up like normal if all is functioning properly. If the light continues to blink blue after this step, try resetting your console by pressing and holding down both of the DualSense controllers’ Share and PlayStation buttons for at least ten seconds until you hear two beeps, which indicates that a reset has been initiated.

After doing a reset, unplug your PS5 from its power source for another thirty seconds before plugging it back in again and pressing the power button to turn it on. If you’re still experiencing issues with booting up or seeing an error code indicating an issue with loading a game disc or software application then you may need additional troubleshooting assistance; please contact Sony directly through their online Chat Support facility if additional help is needed.


In conclusion, the blinking blue light issue on your PS5 can have a variety of causes that should be properly assessed and resolved before you can get back to enjoying your gaming experience. To make sure this happens, it’s important to take a few steps such as checking the HDMI connection and power source, updating the system software, or even replacing components if necessary. With these tips, we hope you’re ready to get back online soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes my PS5 to blink blue?

The blinking blue light on your PS5 is usually a sign that the console is having trouble connecting to your Wi-Fi network. It could also mean that your PS5 is in rest mode, which is designed to conserve power and maintain network connections.

How do I fix this problem?

To fix this problem, try resetting your router or modem, and then unplugging your PS5 from the wall and plugging it back in. You should also make sure your internet connection is stable, and that your router or modem is set up correctly. If the problem persists, you may need to contact your internet service provider.

Is this an issue with my PS5 or my internet connection?

The blinking blue light is usually an indicator that your PS5 is having trouble connecting to your Wi-Fi network. It could also mean that your PS5 is in rest mode, which is designed to conserve power and maintain network connections. To determine if the issue is with your PS5 or your internet connection, try resetting your router or modem, and then unplugging your PS5 from the wall and plugging it back in.


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    January 1, 2023

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